Articles on: Auth & Payment Portal

Use my own redirect after a payment is made using the Payment Portal

After subscribing to a paid plan using the PluginLab Portal we redirect by default the user to ChatGPT.

However, you can change this behavior to use your own button text and redirect url.

This is particularly helpful when you want to redirect your users to our portal from your own website or platform.


Available parameters

You can pass the following query parameters to your portal url. Every argument is optional and will fallback to the default value if not passed.

success_btn: The text of the redirect button after a subscription successfully created or updated
success_url: The redirect url after a subscription successfully created or updated

failure_btn: The text of the button in case of subscription upgrade failure
failure_url: The redirect url in case of subscription upgrade failure

canceled_btn: The text of the redirect button in case of payment canceled by the user
canceled_btn: The redirect url after in case of payment canceled by the user

In case of payment canceled the default behavior is to redirect to the pricing table, which is most likely what you want in almost all situations.

Here's an example URL containing all parameters:


Updated on: 28/07/2023

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