Articles on: Developers


PluginLab has a RESTful API that makes it possible for developers to interact with their member's data.

Thanks to this API you can manage your members and do some daily operations such as fetching users, updating them and more.

Note: this guide is describing how to use our RESTful API. If you are looking to implement it using NodeJS, we suggest you use our NodeJS SDK instead.

Authenticating your requests

The first thing to use the Admin API is to authenticate your requests.

To do so, you have to include your secret key in a header named X-PluginLab-Admin-Sdk-Secret and your plugin id in a header named X-PluginLab-Plugin-Id.

Here is an example with curl:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'X-PluginLab-Plugin-Id: 5e3a84b73822f193bd23be935cc5b3d5' \
--header 'X-PluginLab-Admin-Sdk-Secret: ca4424c3d050878b67c208953efca2391324571be7738279a19e2c59bc3e6b97'

Here is a Nodejs example using the axios library:

const httpClient = axios.create({
            baseURL: "<PLUGIN_ID>/<PATH>",
            headers: {
                'X-PluginLab-Admin-Sdk-Secret': <YOUR_SECRET_KEY>,
                'X-PluginLab-Plugin-Id': <PLUGIN_ID>,

We show you how to generate a secret in the next section

Verifying user's token

If you plan to use our RESTful API, it means you will probably need to verify the user access token sent by PluginLab at some point.
If you need to verify the access token, please check the Verifying PluginLab Tokens section first.

Getting members

The API makes it possible to query all the members associated to your plugin.

Query example

curl "<PLUGIN_ID>/members?limit=50&startAfter=<cursor_id>"

Query parameters
- limit: a number between 1 and 50
- startAfter: a pagination cursor or null for the first request

Response example

    "items": [
            "metadata": {},
            "auth": {
                "isVerified": true,
                "hasPassword": false,
                "providerUserId": "118153666269841543273",
                "email": "",
                "signInMethod": "google"
            "createdAtMs": 1685903928798,
            "updatedAtMs": 1685903928798,
            "customFields": {},
            "givenName": "Kevin",
            "familyName": "Piacentini",
            "pictureUrl": "",
            "name": "Kevin Piacentini",
            "id": "mem_ce105066572deefcdd2d520220661defe6ed40a4",
            "updatedAtTs": {
                "_seconds": 1685903928,
                "_nanoseconds": 798000000
            "createdAtTs": {
                "_seconds": 1685903928,
                "_nanoseconds": 798000000
    "total": 1,
    "nextPageToken": "mem_ce105066572deefcdd2d520220661defe6ed40a4"

Getting a member by id

Query example

curl --location --request GET '<PLUGIN_ID>/members/<MEMBER_ID>'

Url parameters
- memberId: the member id

Response example

    "metadata": {},
    "auth": {
        "isVerified": true,
        "hasPassword": false,
        "providerUserId": "118153666269841543273",
        "email": "",
        "signInMethod": "google"
    "createdAtMs": 1685903928798,
    "updatedAtMs": 1685903928798,
    "customFields": {},
    "givenName": "Kevin",
    "familyName": "Piacentini",
    "pictureUrl": "",
    "name": "Kevin Piacentini",
    "id": "mem_ce105066572deefcdd2d520220661defe6ed40a4"

Getting a member by email

Query example

curl --location --request GET '<PLUGIN_ID>/member/byEmail/<MEMBER_EMAIL>'

Url parameters
- memberEmail: the member email

Response example

    "metadata": {},
    "auth": {
        "isVerified": true,
        "hasPassword": false,
        "providerUserId": "118153666269841543273",
        "email": "",
        "signInMethod": "google"
    "createdAtMs": 1685903928798,
    "updatedAtMs": 1685903928798,
    "customFields": {},
    "givenName": "Kevin",
    "familyName": "Piacentini",
    "pictureUrl": "",
    "name": "Kevin Piacentini",
    "id": "mem_ce105066572deefcdd2d520220661defe6ed40a4"

Get member's identities

When a member logs in using a third-party auth provider, the latter generates an access token and optionally a refresh token that the application can use
to interact with the third-party service on behalf of the user.

PluginLab allows you to get the identities that have been generated when the user logged in:

curl --location '<PLUGIN_ID>/members/<MEMBER_ID>/identities

The response can be an empty JSON object if the user has no identity {}.

Otherwise it will be a json with the following type:

   "gitlab": {
    "providerUserId": "1939238",
    "provider": "gitlab",
    "accessToken": "aa9fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx20e274",
    "accessTokenExpiresAtMs": 1692295729026,
    "refreshTokenExpiresAtMs": null,
    "refreshToken": "760a4xxxxxxxxxxxdede2530aef0b5",
    "lastUsedAtMs": 1692288529026

Refresh identity access token

For OAuth providers such as Google or Gitlab the access token has a limited lifetime. PluginLab provides an endpoint in case your token needs to be refreshed.

The following endpoint will refresh the token

curl --location --request POST '<PLUGIN_ID>/members/<MEMBER_ID>/identities/<PROVIDER_ID>/refresh'

Where <PROVIDER_ID> can be either google or gitlab at this moment.

This endpoint will return the identity with fresh tokens as follows:

Note this endpoint currently works only with google and gitlab. Github does not provide any refresh token at this moment. If you need support for more providers feel free to reach out.

    "providerUserId": "1939238",
    "provider": "gitlab",
    "accessToken": "aa9fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx20e274",
    "accessTokenExpiresAtMs": 1692295729026,
    "refreshTokenExpiresAtMs": null,
    "refreshToken": "760a4xxxxxxxxxxxdede2530aef0b5",
    "lastUsedAtMs": 1692288529026

Handling refresh errors

Sometimes it's possible that the refresh token is revoked or expired. In that case PluginLab will not be able to refresh the token anymore.
In that situation, PluginLab will return the following error with a HTTP CODE 422:

    "code": "refresh-token-failed",
    "message": "The refresh token request has been rejected by the provider. It most likely means the refresh token is expired. Please ask your user to sign-in again using your auth-portal url."

Creating a member

The PluginLab API allows you to create a member with an email and a password.
When you use the create member endpoint, the default sign-in method will be email-and-password.

Note this sign-in method is not currently supported by the auth portal. However, email-and-password based members are compatible with Google and Passwordless email sign-in.

You will notice that a use who has a password, has a hashConfig object that defines the algorithm associated with the hashed password. This will allow you to export your users in the future if you need to.

Query example

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "",
    "password": "C02@dqwedqwe"
    "isVerified": true

Response example

    "id": "mem_a5bc95522344c5c065ac4a02dc6dfdb4e438943f",
    "auth": {
        "isVerified": false,
        "email": "",
        "hasPassword": true,
        "signInMethod": "email-and-password",
        "passwordHash": "dba6902e9de89af59eb9c06bb1e494e40a0243a1585922bc45373f42deffcfaa",
        "passwordHashConfig": {
            "algorithm": "scrypt",
            "memCost": 16384,
            "keyLength": 32,
            "salt": "2bc4f159a9250632982af37469fedbef"
    "customFields": {},
    "metadata": {},
    "createdAtMs": 1686085947830,
    "updatedAtMs": 1686085947830

Updating a member

Developers can update any member by making a PATCH request to the member's endpoint with the corresponding member id.

The API allows you to patch any user by id. You can pass any or all the following parameters as part of your JSON body request:
- name
- givenName
- familyName
- pictureUrl
- metadata: an object containing any key:value pair

Query example

curl --location --request PATCH '<PLUGIN_ID>/members/<MEMBER_ID>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "Kevin Piacentini",
    "givenName": "Kevin",
    "familyName": "Piacentini",
    "pictureUrl": "",
    "metadata": {
        "something": "Any additional info you wanna store"

Response example

    "auth": {
        "isVerified": true,
        "hasPassword": false,
        "providerUserId": "118153666269841543273",
        "email": "",
        "signInMethod": "google"
    "createdAtMs": 1685903928798,
    "customFields": {},
    "givenName": "Kevin",
    "familyName": "Piacentini",
    "name": "Kevin Piacentini",
    "id": "mem_ce105066572deefcdd2d520220661defe6ed40a4",
    "metadata": {
        "something": "Any additional info you wanna store"
    "updatedAtMs": 1686073922184,
    "pictureUrl": ""

Deleting a member

Developers can delete a user by making a DELETE request to the API member's enpdoint with the corresponding member id.

Example query

curl --location --request DELETE ''

In all cases, the response will be an HTTP Code 200.

Updated on: 17/08/2023

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