Articles on: Best Practices

How to increase usage of my ChatGPT plugin?

You've launched a plugin and you noticed that only a few users are actually using your plugin?

There is no rule of thumb but the following methods have significantly helped many plugins to improve their usage.

1. Add a welcome email

Often times, people just don't understand how to use your plugin and leave forever.

Adding a welcome email clearly explaining what the users can do with your plugin is a good start to drive more usage.

You can achieve this by adding a On User Created webhook in Plugin Settings > Webhooks.

This webhook could trigger a zappier automation or whatever endpoint in your backend API that will trigger an email.

Here's an example good email sent from the QuickSEO plugin creator:

Quick SEO welcome email

2. Add a custom script on your authentication portal

Look what happens when you install popular plugins like Prompt Perfect, KeyMate AI or TotalQuery.

On Prompt Perfect, there is a video tutorial right into their portal.
On KeyMate AI, there is an intercom integration.
On TotalQuery, there is a Crisp integration.

Those features are great to get in touch with your users and provide valuable information.

To add your own custom code into your authentication portal, you can leverage our Custom Script feature by going to Plugin Settings > Custom Script.

Here's the code snippet used by Prompt Perfect in case it helps

Also see: how to add Intercom to my portal? And How to add Crisp to my portal?

3. Talk to users and improve your plugin

Keep monitoring your requests and talk to your users to understand what to improve.

Do your best to create the best plugin of the store

4. Consider changing your name

If you did your best but nothing changes and the traffic is too small, consider changing your plugin name for something more "SEO friendly in the store".

Don't use a name starting with "A AA AAA A+" or it will get rejected from the store.

If nothing changes: just move to work on another plugin if you get another idea

Updated on: 07/09/2023

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